07 August 2006
25 July 2006
fairytale remains
I cant help but feel that he is so far away again. haizz. Whats wrong with Brian. Maybe things can NEVER work out between the two of us. I guess its time for me to stop thinking about him and focus more on other much more, WAY more important stuff like.... being close with HIM. lols.
As selfish as this sounds, Sharifah has advised me to enjoy the best from the two worlds. Meaning, to work things out with Brian and also try to get things going with HIM. lols. i know. tell ME about it. talka bout being selfihs eh. tehee. cant help it larhx. a girl has gotto have her resources stashed somewhere.
Anyways, nothing much has happened in my life. Nothing really significant. tehee. yeahhs. School is the same. Boring, lame and URGH. and now, i am in school, LIT lesson to be exact, blogging while ears tuned in to the noises behind me. A bunch of lower sec students doing drama and stuffs. lols. Nvrm. Let them grow larhx.
Anyways, i think i shall take my leave now. These people are pissing the shit out of me. Lols. pardon my language. but anyways, i shall leave now. Try to do some stuff with the remaining time left before recess [9 minutes more!]. yeahhs yeahhs. ciaoz.
22 July 2006
Diff Renditions Of Phantom
Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman.
Korean Phantom
Phantom On Ice
The couple is SUPERB. Povilas is hot.
cliff richard is HOT for an old guy.
21 July 2006
the days are gettin better
-shortest update ever. lols. laters. ciaoz.
20 July 2006
what a Day!
Anieways. Case# 1.
Went home with Yati, Ain, Mus and Vivi. You know that big machine that sucks the leaves on the street? Well, it was there larhx. So we made way for it larhx but that Vivi go stick his butt out. lols. Was just kidding larhx. Then the machine made a u-turn and the noose poke Ravi's leg. I was beside him, unfortunately and i was screaming larhx! i hate big machines. worst when its sort of chasing you. The driver was unhappy with Vivi larhx. He kept coming onto Vivi - us. Left with no choice, me & Vivi ran all the way to the block! lols. i was screaming all the way larhx!! tehee. embarrassing sia.
Case # 2.
A frightened cat. On a so called ledge. Tried to get it down. It was too scared. Indian woman. Pink umbrella. Poke Poke. Pull pull. i hated pink then. She went off. We stayed on. Ain, shy. Vivi, tired. Ain climbed onto Vivi shoulders. Shes thin, but terribly heavy. They laughed. They hobbled. They failed. Vivi took the a platform to step up on. And...
Case # 3.
A cockroach was underneathe it. Ain standing over it. She didnt see it. at first. i screamed. she looked down. she saw. she freaked. lols. First time i saw her freaked, apart from oral. lols. vivi pulled her hand. she used yatis PE shirt to slap him. lols. Drama sia.
Anywas yes. lols. hilarious indeed. and all throughout, i was screaming except for case # 2. lols. gawd. and had to leave them to catch the bus cos i had to shit. darn. now i feel oh-so-relieved. tehee. anyways, i shall go now. woohoo. i received an email from him. wee!
thank you so much for being understanding.
19 July 2006
a dream come true or... self delusion?
But then... what is going to happen now? I mean.. after missing out on each other for so long now, can we get back to what we had in the past? Am i still being silly? Am i actually clinging onto something that has long gone? What can possibly happen next?
I wasnt overly overjoyed but i was content. It makes me feel guilty at some level. But yeahhs, i can no longer be in a state of denial. Haizz... i dunno what to do anymore. Arghh! I cant lie to myself neither can i to him. *frustrated* but anyways, ima just let nature run its course. yeahh. best solution.
Anyways, did i mention that yesterday, the Careless Whisperer guy came to my school. lols. he was an EX-STUDENT! ahhhhhhhhhhh! lols. but yeahhs. the only fun thing yesterday was Royston Tan's videos AND.... the sound of Allan Wu moaning. Yum Yum. Now i know why he is called SUPERman. lols. ciaoz.
18 July 2006
On days like this i start to question myself, my existence, my thoughts, my maturity, my feelings. I will have lots of thoughts going on in my head, so many emotions coursing through my veins. So many reactions to my body. Probably its just PMS. i often get depressed around that time. i think. i cant help it.
The thing that i will always cry about [silly-ly] is the Brian thingy. I know many of my friends are growing sick of listening to it, about it. But its hard really for ME to forget about him. I know its silly & foolish, not forgetting naive of me to cling onto something so stale. But he was the ONLY one that gave me encouragement when i was down.
My mum. She threw the book that i wrote aside when i showed her. I was sad, hurt. But Brian was there to cheer me up, to make me see things differently. I complained and freaked out about having to write a 20,000 words novel. I had written 12,000 words then and had to submit my novel 3 days from then. Brian was there to encourage me. He said he knew I could do it. He knew i was clever. He knew i would finish it all and he would be so proud of me. He shares my happiness, my sadness. He shares a part of me.
You see, he made me feel wanted, loved, cherished. haizz.. im just repeating myself from yesterdays entry. But really, i cant control myself. i would be so happy one moment, and leave me alone, i would be neck-deep buried in my past & eyes tearing.
I miss HIM. i really do. i promise myself i will forget him but its next to impossibility. i really miss you and it hurts me badly to not be able to say it out loud to you. ive never been the kind of person who publicly shows her love but when it comes to you, im bursting with affections to shower you with. but yeah, its all happening in my dreams. Ciaoz.
17 July 2006
i confused my feelings with the truth.
I hate this part of me. I am always trapped in the past. I cant seem to let go. i Cant learn to let go. Wen everyone told me to wake up and smell the latte, i ignored them. i lament about him, about us. Now look where its got me. A year has passed and yet im still lost in the past, the shadows of our past.
On times like this, i cant help but be depressed. I seriously wonder when this is going to end. many people called me silly, naive, foolish to be falling for him. But i didnt mind. I just liked that fact that i have someone who is there to love me, care for me & cherish me. Someone i cud call my own.
Why must this happen to me so many times? Seriously guys, dont say the L-word unless you really mean it. I think the same goes for girls. But its easier for us to say this kind of words where as its hard for guys. So when you do say it, make sure you really mean it.
To my broken knight,
I dont know what went wrong. But al i can say is that i will treasure the things we shared together for as long as i live. I really hope that one day we will get to get together. For the past a year and a half, i thought you felt the things i was feeling. But then again, i guess i was just confused about my feelings, about you, about me, about us. How could i hope that things between us could really work out? You will still be my knight in shining armor, there to save me when im in distress. =) Thank you for supporting me when no one was there to do so. Thank you for encouraging me when i despaired. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the memories, baby. You are etched in my heart.
Its Time To Break Free!
So You Think You Can Dance?
We Are All In This Together. =]
When There was Me & You. take that!
Ok. Video uploaded. tehee. im super duperbly hyper. lols. thx to HSM. wekrekeke. yeahhs. im a fanatic person now. nvrm. anyways, click your 'stop' button on your Internet page to stop the song from playing & to enable you to watch the vids. =)
Anyways, nothing much happened from the time i last updated which is...nvrm. Today i had my O level Malay Listening Comprehension. I grew sleepy towards the end. As always. lols.
Anyways, the proverb "its easier said than done" is oh-so-true. i mean wells.. its not easy to go up to the person you like and tell him you like him. I didnt do anything silly as that. But what im trying to put across that, due to THAT, it hurts me so to actually not be able to do anything remotely couply so as to avoid gossips & speculations. Its getting harder. But i will survive. now enjoy the vids. ciaoz.
16 July 2006
Soaring & Flying.
13 July 2006
Elearning suck.
Anyways, do pardon my previous entry on 12th July about my birthday. Cos i had the funnest day ever! Tehee. Thanks to all my dearies; Nas [the Function Organiser], Ain, Yati, Sharifah [ the one who wont stop wishing my hapiie bdae], Sharie, Diana, Syahidah, Wina, Sarah, Vick, Winnie & Mus. Yeahhs. That many people. lols. And i got free ice creams! on the house. lols. We went to Coffee Embassy.
So yeahhs. It was very very fun. lols. so yeahhs. and today, i went out with Jas to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. Its nice really but just unsatisfying. Like The Omen. So yeahhs. Anyways, did most of my Elearning stuff. Im so proud of myself. Oh wait, i havent iron my skirt! argh! ciaoz.
12 July 2006
Hapiie Bdae Nura.
Up to this point, my birthday is just like any other day. Pathetic & useless. No celebration of any sort and no special treatments. =) oh wells, did i mention that as a year of your life pass, you have to learn to just...grow up? Even if you dont want to, you simply just have to.
Im a bitter person right now as my nephew is getting on my nerves & so is my mum. Its not helping that i have Eworks to do. Darn elearning. argh. i think i might just die on my birthday. ciaoz.
11 July 2006
how long has it been?
Mrs Chew told me that there was a bouquet waiting for me at the general office. A card was signed off as Your Admirer. WHOAH. How cool is that? teheee. i am so shy. Mrs Chew was like.. Want me call your mum to collect the bouquet and let her know you have a secret admirer?! lols. hilarious.
Anyways. It contained 3 BLUE roses! my fav flowers on Earth! weee! yepps. so sweet rite? hehe. The card wrote. To Nura, Happy 16th Birthday. From: Your Admirer. i shall upload the pic & show u in the next post. =]
ouhhs. what a wonderful day today was. lols. ciaoz.
05 July 2006
someone not me.
These past few days, i realise that i have been spending too much time with my friends. [i remember what i wanted to blog about!] Before that, i think i am spending less time with my family, especially my little boyfriend.
I seem to scold him more now. awww, i cant help it. He has got itchy hands [sounds like me...]! And when i do scold him, i will feel heavy-hearted after that. His eyes will be saucers big and will look straight into you. Inside i will go.. "Aww.. honey, youre so sweet.. Im so sorry.." but no. i kept a cool face. teehee. but often, i will play with him and tend to him larhx. lols. he IS still my boyfriend you know.
Proceeding on to the topic i wanted to talk about. I collated opinions from others about this question, "If someone call your bf/gf with a term of endearment, would yu feel irritated?" Something like that. Out of the number of people i sent out to, only 1 replied No. The rest, was a yes.
I have to make this clear that i DO NOT like Shun Wai. Admire yes, proud of him, yes. But he is nothing more than a friend that i really care for. I care for every single one of my friends. Try asking them all. Including those foreign ones. The reason why i call him "Shun Shun" was because we were sittin so close so naturally for me atleast, i prefer calling others by something sweet. For Sharifah, its Pah. For others, you would have heard.
Naturally, for Shun wai, was "Shun Shun". Gradually, the name grew on me such that i cant seem to call him Shun WAI. it seemed weird. But yeahhs, i must spare a thought for the person closest to him. So i shall make an effort to call him Shun WAI or atleast a monotone SHUN. yesh.
But after all that, i cant help it if it really slips. Seriously, ive got sweet names for sweet people around me. Its just the person in me. so yeahhs, to avoid more controversy and gossips, i shall change. haiz... ciaoz.
04 July 2006
the inner me.
If i do a survey right now on individuals, asking the question, "Have you put others down so that you can appear to be more superior, cleverer, and shine more than the others?", i bet many would admit yes.
Sometimes i wish that everyone would ask themselves this question, "Would putting others down make me feel better?" If it does, well, I have nothing to say. I guess it is easier to just make yourself "save face" by saying something bad about others. Its the fastest & easiest way to prevent yourself from being put on the spot. What weird humans we have on Earth.
But yes. I guess ive been the butt of jokes & ridicules ever since i was small. ive always been chubby [or rather, FAT]. its the genes in me you see. but yeahhs. ive learnt how to put up with immature people who derives delight through taunting others. No one knew but my childhood was hell. Growing up in a society where weight is a conscious thing, it is hard to unleash my true potential. Instead, i chose to let people think that, "oh, cos she is fat, she wont be able to do it.." oh wells.
But all things must come to an end, whether good or bad. Im glad that i have much more mature friends now [except for a few], who dont call me names. They are friends with whom i can truly be myself. Even if something holds me back, they are there to encourage me. Someone like Meng Chin, he encouraged me to continue running; to reach the finishing point. But like i said, not all. I do have friends still that sometimes hurt me with words they say. I dont know if its intentional or not, it hurt still.
But in this world, nothing & no one is perfect. So we just have to go through life as it is. Although the real world is really a dog-eat-dog world, putting others down, dont make you shine any brighter. With good comes evil. With friends like Meng Chin, i can continue to run this race. The race of my life; and never give up.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were all meant to shine,as children do.
It's not just in some of us,it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
Beautiful lines i took from the movie Coach Carter. Remember people, you might not know it but you might be others inspiration. Being nice wont hurt or kill. =] ciaoz.
03 July 2006
DMB - Finals.
Just look at Shun twirling that mace. Expert! teehee.
You did marvelous Shun. I cant stop saying that. lols. Proud of you!!
When There Was Me & You
Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen
'Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care
[Chorus #1:]
I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star that's coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings
With the truth
When there was me and you
I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled you made me feel
Like I could sing along.
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song
[Chorus #2:]
Now I know you're not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star just don't come true
Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings
With the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you
I can't believe
That I could be so blind
It's like you were floating while I was falling
And I didn't mind
Because I liked the view
I thought you felt it too
When there was me and you
Song by the High School Musical. I am so into this song now. Darn it hit the bulls eye.
Life Marketing.
Anyways, today is a holiday. Woke up late. Lols. Cant help it. Ive been losing sleep. Anyways, today as i was ironing my uniform, i came up with a question that YOU should ponder about too.
If you were a living item to be sold, how would you market yourself? How would you sell yourself off in this, lets say, relationship business? Let's try, shall we?
Well, you should pick me 'cause I am simply wonderful. No kidding there. I look for serious relationships all the time. That is probably why i dont have one. Lols. But seriously, if you need someone to lean on to, you can choose me. If you just need someone to listen to, or someone to talk to, you can find me right there by your side. I love to talk, i love to laugh, but if you are not looking for someone to lighten up your days when you are down, you may do a detour now. People might not take me seriously, but trust me, i know when i need to be serious. What more do you need in the person you love?
I will be there to hold you, to comfort you. I will love you til forever comes. Just give me the chance and i will prove to you that i can be the one for you. =] lols. Okay, what a sale. lols.
yes. Thats what i've got to offer, i guess. Nyehhs. Anyways, been at home all day taking care of my dearest nephew. I feel like wringing his neck sometimes! lols. Kidding only larhx. I love him too much to do anything harmful to him. *kisses the top of his head*
I will do anything for my nephew. =] Wait till i satart working and stuff, he will be showered with lots of gifts! teehee. i love kids. I wanna have 4 of my own. *shyys* lols. Yes. i shall go now. Tag me yeahs? Luv y'all! ciaoz.
02 July 2006
More pics.

Another pic of him. lols. took it when DMB was playing for our school. Suave!
Okies. This was the parade commander. Darn he was HOT! anyways, ive got a fetish for guys in uniforms. lols!
Okies. this is no ghost picture. Its just that i was walking and trying to take picture with really bright flash. lols. It says DEYI. lols. our posters.
And lastly, the one of many pictures we took using our individual cams! lols. Pretty babes!
Beyond Words.
Before i go on to the intersting part of the whole entire day, let me just briefly described what went on. I didnt go with the school to the national stadium. Something happened the night before that caused whatever emotions i went through on that day.
Anyways, walked from Kallang MRT to the stadium with Ain, Diana, Dini [diana lil sis], Yati & Nas. lols. So yeahhs. We came quite early you see. We had tickets for the bench seats. lols. And yeahhs, we sat right at the very front & middle of the whole stadium. wahh!
And yes we held posters of our dearest friends; SHUN WAI, Vick, Siti, Sharie. wee! lols. it was REAL cool. Anyways, time to go on to the intersting part.
Our SHUN SHUN won DRUM MAJOR OF THE YEAR 2006!!! weee!! I was with Sharifah carrying drinks that we bought earlier. I put down the whole box and waited for the person to announce the winner. "Wong Wai Shun!!" it took me a moment to make it who it was. lols. YEAHHS! Sharifah & I were screaming like banshees! lols.
That is our SHUN SHUN in action! weee! how cool does he looks?! Shun, we are all so proud of you! You were simply marvelous, hun! =] You did it! You have really done it!
I cannot seem to post anymore pics on now. I shall post more laters. Because we actually took quite a number of pics. lols. Throughout the whole journey home from Marina Bay to Ang Mo Kio, the few of us kep taking pictures. lols. Photogenic Missus.
01 July 2006
What Hurts The Most?
The singer aint really handsome. But the video is really heart--wrenching. I cant help but cry. Listen to the words. It really hurts, u fcuker. Read this & analyse it. You gave me such heart ache. Fine then. We shall cease it all.
29 June 2006
wat a week it has been.
My computer is now rotting. Surprisingly, i am happy over that fact. Lols. it shows that i have been busy with my life. Certainly i have been busy. i have been studying you know. yes. today, i was feeling oh so proud of myself.
I managed to answer for some of the Bio stuff. teehee. oh wells, if i had known being knowledgeable has the ability to make me feel this DARN good, i would have studies my stuff WAY back. lols. anyways, a tad too late for that yeahs?
So this whole week my days have been jam packed with stuffs for Guides & Leadership Handover Ceremony. I am the WONDERFUL emcee. along with Brinda, Jamie & Matthew. For a a sec 1 boy, he is darn cute. a big flirt too. dang it. Why do people with looks like to use them as weapons? As in...
Dont you realise how much true relationship means to these people with looks? I mean, to them, should the relationship fail, they can easily replace it. Haiz. Sad, really. But anyways, tomorrow is a BIG day for me. Not because it is the day of the Leadership Handover, rather it is the day of my MT O Lvl Oral. argh!!
ok. i shall stop here now. i shall go eat. i am oh so so hungry. teehee. ciaoz.
25 June 2006
Will We Get There?
Am not REALLY a MJ fan. but before you guys start guffawing about what a pedeofile he is. i dont know how to spell that word. Stop to remind yourself that he is God creation. We have no rights to discriminate or make fun at His creation. MJ certainly was and hopefully still is a legend in the music industry.
Its a sad thing how with tragedies like these, in which he wasnt proved guilty, that people start thinking of him in a lewd manner. Stop and remind yourselves again people, we do not discriminate nor poke fun at our own brothers & sister. Before you make fun, stop and think about that. If you dont, dude/dudette, you may burn in hell.
23 June 2006
Never Gonna Leave Your Side
A man without a soul
A bird without its wings
A heart without a home
I feel like a knight without a sword
The sky without the sun
Cuz you are the one
A child that lost its way
A door without a key
A face without a name
I feel like a breath without the air
And every day's the same
Since you've gone away
You used to be the one that put a smile on my face
There are no words that could describe how I miss you
And I miss you everyday
And I'm never gonna leave your side again
Still holding on girl
I won't let you go
Cuz when I'm lying in your arms
I know I’m home
Living in the pain
The call in times gone by
The crying in the rain
You know I’ve wasted half the time
And I’m on my knees again
Till you come to me
You used to be the one that put a smile on my face
There are no words that could describe how I miss you
And I miss you everyday
And I'm never gonna leave your side again
Still holding on girl
I won't let you go
I lay my head against your heart
I know I’m home
I know I’m home
I know I’m home
And I'm never gonna leave your side again
Still holding on girl
I won't let you go
Cuz when I’m lying in your arms
I know I’m home
It was pretty ok, as i have mentioned earlier. I went there with Nas, Jas, Syahidah, Sharifah, Shahari, Sharif, Fifi, Syazwanah & Ira. Ok, I dont really know the last 4. Ira is someone Sarifah & Shari met over the Singapore Idol roadshows back then. The other three... ermms, lets just say they came to watch not to mingle with us. teehee.
And yes, me, Nas, Jas & Syahidah were the only people who were there at the reception after the show, not feeling at all Fanatic. We were lazing around on the chairs that were provided. And we saw funny yet digusting & irritating stuffs. The antics of all the fanatic people. "We arent Groupies!". yeah right. Bullshit. They were making lots of noise and were irritating the hell out of me. Especially this one red shirt girl. She thinks shes hot & everything. Giving us all that "I'm a bitch" look. Well bitch, fuck you.
Anyways, fanatical[there isnt such a word. i think] people aside, the few of us, without Sharif, Fifi & Syazwanah, we went to Thomson Road there to eat at the Prata House. Yeah. Sharifah & Ira were very pissed & sad about the wildcard selections. Ok, although i am not into Singapore Idol, i seriously think few of those seriously cant sing. Lets go on with the list shall we? Warning: For those fans of these people and dont like what i say, you may click 'X' now instead of reading then reporting me. Grow up if youre going to go to the administrators just to complain about me. I aint writing shits for you to enjoy. Its my blog, my lie, my words, my THOUGHTS. Get it? Now, shall we start?
I cant remember all those who got in [shows how much IMPACT they made eh?], but yeah. Primero. Oh gawd. Save him. Dude, you are too.. emotional? No, its not just that, you are cocky. Dude, people dont like cocky people. Thats a total turn off. Especially when you answer back to the judges when you KNOW they are right. Geraldine, ok... she's ok. Probably she needs the rest to like screw up their performance before she can up. Right? Meryl... she's got quite an ok voice. But when she sang i turn to you... it sounded ok but just so... cheena. get it? There is a tinge of cheena-ness in her words. Its good to have your own stlye of singing instead of copying the original singer... but.. cheena-ness? Eew. Jay, the perfectionist. Ok, he is cute when he is doing that. It shows how much this means to him. But dude, loosen up & lighten up.You need not impress the judges but us. WE are voting. =)
Ok, basically, i wish not to go on. Else all those "We r not Groupies!", people will caome after me. Yeow! ciaoz.
21 June 2006
our perspectives
I am aiming for a wonderful A1. I want to get into Mass Communications. I know how much all those close to me have heard this before. Yes, now I am acertain that I do want to get into that course. It is in fact something that i have been dreaming about.
Academics aside [ i hate to erase that word few times! Godness gracious!], I can testify that with good English, comes good grace. Seriously. Try speaking or putting yourself in that 'perfect English' mode. You will find the sudden change in you a pleasant delight. I am currently sitting up slightly straighter and i am thinking more on the broader side of things. Yes, silly it does sound.
Anyways, you can still have fun with good English. I collected my mp3 on the 19th of June! lols [this is excempted]. I havent been using it really. Probably due to the fact that i havent been going out. Yes.
I shall hurry on to change my template. I saw some great ones just now. I do pray that my computer will not let me down. It has been lagging since just now. Anyways, I shall type off now. Ciaoz. [that is certainly an exception!]
19 June 2006
slash vids!
those vids haf been filling my life wif intense laughter wen i first watched dem. lols. till todae, i still cant help laughing at all these. lols. i'm currently searching for more hilarious parodies. so shud i come across one that is SUPERB DUBERBLY hilarious, i shall post. lols.
anieways, todae i am off to FINALLY take my mp3. lols. ive actually specially allocated all the songs to be put into my mp3 into a folder. lols. ghaiRAH! meaning, excited! lols. yeahhs.
todae, was supposedly off to school at 7.15am to go for POA remedial. BUT. lols. but, at 7.15 i was STILL at my com. lols. at first i thought it was 7.30am, so i decided not to go for POA. den i realised. its oni 6.30! dang. lols. so i switche don da com & watched all da slash vids. lols. den wenta sch at around 8.15. lols. POA was frm 8-9. teehee. wen i reached sch, da Guides all havent arrive so i decided to POP by. lols. quite a turn up lehh. lols. and my classmates were like going.. "wahh, so early sia. might as well dun come rite!" lols.
nieways.. now am at home aledi. havin tummy ache. Guides was cool actually. me & Siti cudnt stop laffing. lols. and now i need to go shit. ciaoz.
18 June 2006
16 June 2006
15 June 2006
my future ehh?
so yeahhs. tis wat is goin to happen larhx. i am goin for Mass Comm afta O lvls. straight to Ngee Ann or Temasek Poly.. and to be able to do so, i need to get like 10 - 12 points. argh. my other alternative is to go to the Early Childhood course. yeahhs. small kids. i noe i noe.. u ppl r tinkin.. wat da hell?! but u see.. i haf a thing for small kids. lols. bsides.. i attract dem easily.. somehow. lols. considerin da fact tt ive taught countless kids how to read, raised 3 kids, i tink tt makes me quite a thang for a teenager. lols. yepps. all tt is true.
so yeahhs. laters ima gou out wif MC to study. lols. a-hem. study? lols. i will larhx. denns meet up wif my sister to collect MY PRECIOUS! lols. okok.. i shall stop nawws. teehee. yeahhs. ever thought of ur FUTURE yet? ponder over tis few qns.. where will u be 5 yrs dwn da road? wen we do come for da 10 yr reunion dinner, what will ur frens see as then? ciaoz.
14 June 2006
lame dae again
which im SO nt sharing . lols. sry. anieways.. todae da dae started as boring as possible. and yeahs. i'm waitin for a gd news but it nvr did came. darn it. nvrm its oni 3+ now. lets wait til later. haizz.. i'm so frustrated larhx! eek! damn all those ppl.
anieways.. ive gt nth to blog abt atm. teehee. u juz wasted ur time dude! but nvrm. ima go off nows. read a book. oh yeahhs. did i mention tt ive finished my English hw? lols. but da rest, forget it larhx. =) ciaoz.
13 June 2006
The Omen
12 June 2006
and yeahhs. NEWSFLASH
tis source is frm Alson Mar Kim Yip ; Daryl & Guan Yi has reportedly been seen holdin hands! lols.
and now.. i'm now so boredd. lols. had a really s2 to s2 talk & yeahhs.. he is so in love! lols. my hun is so so in love yeahhs? lols. he is becomn so poetic! lols. how cute yeahhs?
so rite now i am juz rottin & surprisingly am talkin to my old frens! lols. we are catchin up wif each other in a wae... lols. tomoro i am off to watch The Omen wif Sharifah. prolly we will change our mind to cartoons! lols. we are both scaredy cats larhx.. wat da hell. but nyehhs.. it looks intersting larhx.
tis our Brett goin full swing on Poetry ;
ckn: wat sadness lengthens juliets hours?
me: sadness of nt bein wif her loved one?
ckn: & of who does thy love?
ckn: to tink twice brings abt doubt & to doubt will lead to broken hearts.
me: den i shalt let my heart break to million pieces in the name of LOVE.
ckn: surely if it breaks, it is not in the name of love
*skip forward*
ckn: shud thy feel pain wen in love?
me: it is to make one realise the power of love. how it went through hardships to get through where it is now. to make one cherish love more and treasure it.
ckn: is not failed love turned heartbreak,enough for one to appreciate the meaning of true love in the future?
me: no.nt really. sometimes a heartbreak makes one more wary of Love. mayb even shun Love. its how each other blend as one to attain Love tt makes da journey a sweet experinece.. an experience tt u wont want to end...
ckn: do not confuse love with lust.....for one is pure and one evil....
me: blendin as one means not juz by joinin two bodies into. its also abt bein able to understand each other, cherish each other, care for each other and love each other. without love, there is no lust.. without lust there is no love. neither is pure or evil. its how one Sees it tt determines its nature.
Cuts like a Knife
11 June 2006
Juliao dropped da bomb tt she will be dere at 7. haizz.. wat da hell. but nyehhs. den Vani & Parmes backed out. boohoo. so sadd. but nyehhs. we shall strive to make da BBQ livelier. anieways.. todae is gonna be da dae ima strip my SHaney. teehee.
so nyehhs. mums out wif dad & da rest to my aunts hse. so yeahhs.. i hafta be bak hme b4 11. URGH. but yeahhs. its aledi gd tt shes lettin me go. so yess. rite now i am typin tis dressed in UN-GODLY feminine stuff. wif a KPO gurl standin behind me. lols. she juz smacked me. lols. tts SHARIFAH. [da person who was suppose to meet me at 1230 insted of like.. 230!] wee.
anieways.. shall we go OLD CHANG KEE SHARIFAH? da rest are comin later. & i DO crave for tt nuggets. PLS. =]
aiite aiite. time to go nows. haizz... i MISS him lots! eek! ciaoz.
10 June 2006
Sexy Notti Bitchy Me?
lols. indeed. indeed. but u see... tt isnt who i really am. its juz who i wanna be. ever felt like tt? lols. i guess everyone feels like tt. so tts y i turn to MAPLING! lols. ok.. somewat irrelevant dere but nyehhs. i like it. i cn dress up my character. pamper myself & KICK SOME REAL ASS! lols. besides, no one is dere to question my being. wahahhaa.
anieways... ever felt like bein a totally diff person tt ppl noe u as? its normal i guess. a part of growin up & findin or rather discoverin who u really are. for me... i like to listen to diff lang songs. lols. & in da bathroom, i will play some songs & dance sexily like i will nvr EVER do it in front of my frens. mayb da selected few. wats my fantasy?
i wan to go to a place where no one noes abt my past or noe abt me. period. denn ima create a totally diff me. ima gather all my confidence & make myself sensational. if ure observant enuff. guys dun really go for girls wif looks & shit, dey are also attracted to girls tt carry themselves wif ABSOLUTE confidence. try this girls, GATHER ur confindence b4 u enter a room. den juz JIGGLE ur shoulders a lil. TAKE a deep breath & SMILE. denn, stride in like as tho da world owes u a livin. damn gurl, if u dun turn heads, uve gt to practise hard!
seriously. anieways, continuing, yeah. a place where no one else noes me. and den ima strike up all my confidence & blast others wif my personality, wif who i am & what i am. ima play wif all da cards tt i haf in myself. oh yeahhs. atta gurl!
so yeahhs. enuff fantasizing. tomoro is da BIG dae! lols. wat dae? BBQ @ HAUDY DAE! lols. yippee!! [jumps up & dwn] woohooo! okies. i dunno why im like SO excited. prolly cos ive been cooped up in tis hse for sooo long. plus, im totally boredd. dun even tink abt those homeworks dude/dudette. tt aint me. i am da last min girl. so yeahhs. finally! salvation! civilisation! i'm so goin out tomoro. weee!
anieways. NEWS FLASH!
a guy juz asked me out! lols a Chinese guy juz asked me out! i dun even noe his name. trust me. lol. he came online, saw my pic, greeted me & boom, "wanna go out wif me?" lols. for me, i am pleasantly surprised and delightfully pleased. however, i turned him dwn. firstly, i need to FIND tt CONFINDENCE! lols. next, i am nt yet ready. for pete's sake, i oni noe tt his age! & his looks! average lookin. thk pete. and yes.. lastly & most importantly, im still tinkin of
lols. anieways... hve gt no plans for todae. argh! so irritatin. mayb i shud go for da friggin roadshow! lols. im TT boredd larhx. wat da hell. eeek! no wae. it ink i shud juz go surf for more PORNS, VIDS, GAMES & blah. lols. porns? ahh. .. abt gays perhaps. and share it wif. U NOE WHO! lols. teehee. kiddin. anieways. i'm off to surf da net. if deres really nth, den im to be whisked awae by my ROMANCE BOOK LOVERS. lols as in. da hero in da book. wee! rescue me! help me! fuck me!! lols. despo. ciaoz.
08 June 2006
don't speak.
haizz.. anieways. sometimes, dun u tink parents take their children for granted? i mean.. seriously. they ask u to do every small things tt dey cud do demselves. i mean ok.. as selfihs as it sounds.. considering tt uve been at da com for hours & Mum tells u to close da door tho she's nearer to it. and u start grumbling abt WHY cant SHE do it.. and she will go.. like tt oso cannot help? ure already hoggin da com 24/7 and now u r tryin to reason wif me?! blah blah blah..
get da picture? yes. TTS my grief. todae, i felt like a grown WOMAN. i felt lieka MOTHER! for pete's sake! i fed my nephew, i played wif my nephew, i controlled his tantrum, i even put him to bed! wen i meant by fed is tt, i eat, he eats. i hafta chase him around to eat. AND, i havent even bathe at tt point of time. i had to make sure he was soundly asleep b4 i cud go bathe. haizz..
i merely slacked todae. REAL slack. i cant wait for tis coming Sundae. lols. bbq at haudy's. AGAIN. lols. and yeahhs... one more thing to rant abt..
da drama serials on tv now. Gawd, they are HORRENDOUS! its no wonder tt WE are spending more time on com. and reading my wondrous blog. lols. yeahhs. da characters are overbearing. they are TOO over their character. its sickening. dey cry too much, hate too much. everything is too da EXTREME. how irritating. where did all those wonderful drama serials in da past went? even Hong Kong dramas are more entertainin. im seriusly considering Korean & Japanese dramas now. darn it. ciaoz.
06 June 2006
This I Swear - Nick Lachey
In every way
I know that you will not forsake me
I give you my life
I would not think twice
Your love is all I need, believe me
I may not say it
Quite as much as I should
But when I say, I love you
Darling, that means for good
So open up your heart and let me in
And I will love you, until forever
Until death do us part
We'll be together
So, take my hand
And hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear
I’m wondering how
I ever get by
Without you in my life to guide me
Wherever I go, one thing that’s true
Is everything I do
I do it for you
I may not say it
Half as much as I should
But when I say, I love you
Darling, that means for good
So open up you heart and let me in
And I will love you, until forever
Until death do us part
We'll be together
So, take my hand
And hold on tight
And we'll get there
This I swear
So whenever you get weary
Just reach out for me
I'll never let you down, my love
And I will love you, until forever
(Until death do us part)
Until death do us part
We'll be together
So take my hand
(So take my hand)
And hold on tight
And we'll get there
Oh, we'll get there
And this I swear
And I will love you, until forever
(Until death do us part)
Until death do us part
We'll be together
So take my hand
(So take my hand)
And hold on tight
And we'll get there
Oh, we'll get there
And this I swear
mushy eh? lols. tis goes out to the guy tt i like. ermms. yeahs. shy lahhs.
i'm so lonely.
anieways, todae i watched 2 movies. lols. cos i was darn boredd nyehhs? wat da hell. den i sat in my room, stoning. lols. nahh. i was singing larhx. lols. got nth better to do mahhs. den a thought strucked me. " why didnt i join singing competitions?" den i thought again. ouhhs. its cos i'm shy. lols. seriously. i might be a student leader & all.. so u wud tink tt given da exposure and all.. i'm pretty a confident person. but i'm not. not totally. so yeahhs. my voice, da privacy of my room or bathroom. lols.
and yesh. nvr once did thoughts of HIM leave my mind. i dunno. i like him lots but wen.. wells.. wen i see potential others who might snatch is attention, i feel like i'm bereft of all emotions. i stone. i turn indifferent. but no one noes. except me. lols. so yeahhs. i like da word 'bereft'. for some un-godly reason i dunnoe why. anieways...
i dun wish to revert back to da old me. i dun wan to chat up lots of guys whom i noe i wud nvr meet in my life. so yeahhs. its a waste of time.. but still... dey are da oni ppl i cn turn to in times of solitude. so yeahhs.
i had a dream abt my old old primary school. i dunno why. i juz did. it was.. saddenning in a way... intruiging the other. so yeahhs. i cant rmb clearly wat da heck was goin on but nyehhs. who cares. i dun. really. i dun. ermms.. yeahhs.
i'm currently darn boredd & my heart is feeling restless. so yeahhs. wat do i do naws? anieways.. i cant stop tinkin abt HIM. his on every single thoughts of mine. tt sucks. urgh! its like.. violation of my thoughts! argh. but anieways. i shall BE mature & think SMART. i shall not & will NOT fall for his stupidity or watsoever[i'm spastic. i fall for stupidity.]. i shall NOT & will NOT fall further for him. he's not worth it. we dun haf anything in common do we? Opp. attract? ermms.. mayb not in my case. lols. so yeahhs. ciaoz.
05 June 2006
oh i miss him so!
it was awkward at first for me. cos i regard her as my close fren, someone wif whom i can pour my feelings out. but afta 5 years of separation, does she think of me as that still? haizz.. but nyehhs. she turned out to be da same person i knew, even better actually. =)
so yeahhs. now tt ive told her abt HIM and all.. and we had a talk & devised plans on askin him out or sth, i realise tt its really nice to haf someone from my past back with me. Apart from her, i reunited wif Fanny too! lols. tis is so so cool. i'm being reacquited wif my old frens. how cool eh?!
so yeahhs. todae wenta school to get m charger. left it at sch. denn ermmss.. tried to be a nurse for an hour. lols. i suck. cudnt seem to get da correct things done. was supposed to dress Jas' wounds. called Neo & stuff. lols. it was basically COMICAL. lols.
anieways.. juz dropped by to say that i MISS HIM NOW!!!! argh! and it seems to me tt da stuff tt i wrote abt in my bok of fantasy is sort of comin true. lols. i wont tell u which but yeahhs. example.. i wrote him saying ____ to me & he actually said ____ in real life to me! lols. cant u believe it? and to top it off, i wrote da scene as tis place & true enuff.. its happening again. arghh!! wat does tis mean?! ahh.. is tis a good omen? ahhh... i wonder... lols.
so yeahs. i juz miss him a LIL. and am liking him A LOT. and possibly learnin to love him? nahhs. LOVE, not yet. i juz realise sth. lols. i AM darn scared of relationship. cos wells.... i dunno... no one noes da real me. no one. seriously. so yeahhs. plus.. well... i juz dunno how to react in a relationship. how to act. how to conduct myself. shud i be in love, it wud be vry intense. wud my intensity scare my guy? oh wells. wat da heck. i tried to tink myself wif someone of da same sex as me... its a lil weird but.. i cant stop myself from tinkin.. "why cant i haf HIM?" yeahhs. haizz.. my mind is focus-ed oni on HIM.
so yeahhs. wat da heck. i shall go now. urgh.life totally sucks larhx. wat da heck. haiz.. Lit students, remedial on 20th June. Save up money tho cos Mrs Chong wanna bring us out to watch a performance. ATLAST! lols. ciaoz.
04 June 2006
my pride & joy.
da nitewalk was superb ppl! lols. thx to Agnes, Daryl & Cheryl Hee. =) i had duty wif Josh. at da Kosi -corner. at first i dinna wanna go but nyehhs. its my last yr yeahhs? so wad da heck. Ganga cried like nobody's business. and a few others got scared. including Ms Foo & Ms Haryati. lols.
da ending was FANTASTIC! lols. da excos gt everyone to gather at da canteen. den we put on an act. lols. i lied dwn in front of da General Meeting room and pretended to haf fits cum possessed or sth. lols. and i shook all over & cried out. some of dem belived it was true others had da gut feeling tt it wasnt cos it was ME. i guess i am such a friggin joker. den oso, some said dey saw Neo smirking. aiyo. spoiler!
towards da early morning, roped Larry & Vick to bathe wif me in da girls toilet. lols. it was COOL! lols. i was in da middle cubicle larhx. den Neo joined us. he came in last but was da vry first to go. haizz. and yes. he didnt change underwear nor shorts. ish. guys. for me.. i FORGOT to bring an extra bra. lols. oops.
den da whole nite we didnt really sleep larhx. disturbed those ppl. put face paint & all. lols. one of da guy sleep so so cute!! lols. imagine.. it was 4.30am but we adjusted da clock to 6.15am & woke dem all up. lols. so hilarious & comical. shud haf recorded da look on their faces. teehee.
so yeahhs. tts basically all larhx. den ystd went to sis' hse cos got bf's bdae celebration. lols. got too tired at da vry end. cudnt keep my eyes open anymore so i went to sleep first. woke up later at 5.28am to find myself alone in da room. took apillow den went to da livin room where everyone was slumped somewhere so yeahhs.. joined dem. lols. yepps.
so now i'm back afta watching da extended version of Eiffel...i'm in love. haizz.. i wan a boyfren like Adit. he is someone so strong.. so arrogant & egoist but wen it comes to da person he loves.. he mellows dwn like nbd's business. haizzz... and wen he kisses. oh gawd.. his jaw is so so angular! haizzz...
anieways, all i cn sae nw is tt i dun miss him i juz like him. lols. how weird. so yeahhs. wadeva. i'm off nawws. ciaoz.
31 May 2006
gd morning!
right now i'm perched up high on my chair typing for my blog & listening to a sad sad song while tinkin of my significant HIM. the him i can nvr haf. lols. and yesh.. chattin to my frens too. haizz.
so yess... i'm like so totally sian rite now. mum went out to meet sis for breakfast. ermms, yeahs. lols. and i reckon dey wont be back so early. i ponn Physics todaee. i dunno why. got influenced by Jas i guess. lols. talk abt peer pressure. teehee.
anieways, changed my template larhx. tis time its darn simple but DARN nice to my eyes. lols. so pleasing. i shall strive to blog often. lols. actually, i alwaes say tt afta i chaged my template. lols. so, wat da hoot.
theres tis one pic i forgot to post. pic of tis chocolate castle i took at the chocolate boutique.

beautiful isnt it?
so yeahhs. rite now, i shall go sing more songs.. [tts wat ive been doin since tis mornnin] lols. and yeahhs. den get ready to go to sch. haizz.. life sucks.. if oni i haf a HIM... den we cn go out early in da morning & go for breakfast.. awwws.. anieways... ciaoz.
30 May 2006
wat a wonderful dae!
went to my vry first K Box outing wif Nas, Yatee & Sharie. lols. it was quite an experience larhx. i mean, atlast, the songs tt ive been listening to, i cn now sing dem. lols. it was vry funny larhx.
we sae Marlene dey all in da box too larhx. lols. pretty hilarious actually wif sharie dancing to Naughty Girl. i tink our k box was da most happening cos we laughed & screamed so loud tt da waiter came in to check if everything was ok. lols. how embarrassing. teehee.
so yeahhs. den sista called so had no choice but to go home larhx. i so guai watt. plus she sounded unhappy larhx. so yeahhs. but da rest stayed on until 7+ i was told. sheesh. unfair!! lols.
30 May 2006
todae went sch.. so sian larhx. but den, ponn physics. lols. den hor, tried to pass da friggin lemon using da neck arhx... aiyo.. so hardd!! i was like resisting Rachel Hoe who was coming towards me to take da lemon larhx. lols. i dun tink anyone cn come near me without me resistin now. oh nos! wats gonna happen if my future guy wanna kiss me? awww? lols. bull. sosha. sosha! traumatised.
anieways, i shall go now. need to do up da programme. lols. yepps. ciaoz.
Genting & KL trip. wee!

tis is da beautiful scenery at
Genting. =) and yeahhs. its
all clouds. beautiful yeahhs?

tis da indoor roller coaster
ride tt i rode.. TWICE!
lols. da whole building cn
hear oni my voice screaming.

tts yours truly in da cable car.
it was scary. cos below us was
juz da jungle. lols. imagine
if we'd fallen inside... uhh..

my hotel room. sharing wif my aunt.
supposed to be my cousin sleep wif
me but HE cant possible sleep
wif ME rite? so yeahhs.

gettin cosy in my room.
"boi u wanna come to my hotel..
all u gotta do is holler at me"
teehee. so pretty ehh?

& tis is how my bed looks like
the following dae. lols.
beautiful ehhs?

the lobby of Legend Hotel.
its nice really. lols.
5 stars. wow! lols.
in KL & has got easy accessed
transportaions around. wow.

me at da lobby. lols
its so.. yellowy
and orangey. lols. nice.
anieways. im not gonna post every pic inside here. lols. basically. tts da essence of it all i guess. i enjoyed it a lot except for a few glitches here & there but overall its ok. and yeahhs. there was tis really cute guy larhx.. on da same bus as me. lols. we took da same trip most of da same time larhx. so nyehhs. teehee. wadeva larhx.
anieways. i dun miss him lerhx. lols. as in not tt much liao arhx. now too busy wif camp & results larhx. Luah called my hse. now my mum wont stop harping abt me failin POA. haizz.. another person Luah has possessed. haizz.
i shall go now larhx. damn sian. hafta do up da programme again. haizz. sian agains. lols. kk. cya. ciaoz
26 May 2006
i'm off nawws.
todae i found out tt ive got Mly intensive da WHOLE DAE. argh! so yeahhs. ive gt nth to blog abt actually. at hme alone. mum ovr at sis. later comin hme denn all da huhuhaha will start. lols. ima take lotsa pics wif my fone. ima spend some time off tinkin abt.. stuffs. haizz.
i miss him. but tts it. lols. juz miss him larhx. so yeahhs. anieways, am off nawws. lols. shud i bring ovr my swim suit? hmmms. lols. nahhs. my mums bdae wat so at nite we all goin out arhx. so yepps.
i shall go off nawws. cya all. wish me a safe journey there & back. if i die, juz now tt u've been loved by me. =) and tt.. well... to da guy tt i like, i'll be watchin ovvr u from above [or below]. =) God bless you, my dearests. ='( ciaoz.
25 May 2006
To Daryl Neo,
You suck big time my boi. you really do. I hate you to da core rite naww. So what if the dinner is cancelled. Aint my fault is it? I am disappointed myself. For Pete's sake, we started tis idea in like wat? January?! darn ur arse if u tink i'm unfeeling abt tis. Secondly, yeah i like to say, "It's not me!". But you, mental pompous arse shud noe wen i mean it. I really didnt take out tt bloody file. Oh well, its over aint it? Well, screw you. I hate your guts & darn my soul for havin to work wif u tis coming camp. I hate you. You suck.
phew. had to get tt out of my system. anieways, i need to go now, i need to do up da whole list & stuff for my councillors. teehee. tt felt gd. MY councillors. errr, nvrm. anieways, i got 39/50 for my Lit! weee! can u believe it?!
well i cant but i will eventually. teehee. well, screw tht SOMEONE who keeps suan-ing me for nt studying. well, look dude, who's da last one laffin naww?
ima go bathe naww. got caught in da rain. it was fierce i'm tellin u. all tt lightning & stuff. got permanently frightened by it wen i was asleep once & there was tis one grandfather of all lightning which striked and followed by tis grandmama of all thunder. whoah. got frightened since denns. lols. shyys.
anieways, i betta get goin naww. plus i'm hungry. lols. cant help it larhx. gotta catch my Taylor on tv laters. lols. he's da AMERICAN IDOL. SOUL PATROL SOUL PATROL!!!!! teehees. ciaoz.
p.s: Neo, you suck shit.
23 May 2006
ouh wat feelings i haf...
anieways, todae had intensive Malay. lols. it was quite ok larhx. wasnt bad. so yeahhs. oh yes, guess wat? i slept on my own ytd nite! lols. it was cool larhx.. but still need time to get used to it larhx.
aniways, rite now i am sho sleepy. lols. i tink u noe why. but nyehhs. i'm off now. teehee. nite. ciaoz.
22 May 2006
sho hapiie larhx. denn my SS oso did better den i expected. lols. wakrakakka. i am SUPERB DUBERBLY hyper naww! lols. i cant stop grinnig and all. lols. so yeahhs.. but anieways..
todae was a boring dae in da beginning larhx. cos had some Career Carnival. please larhx, da name doesnt even matches da activities we had. or rather.. lack of dem. we were merely walking around attending short 'seminars' wif facilitators from various Polytechnics. lols. its boring. trust me.
somehow... i dun like him tt much naww. oh wait, lols, ive been sayin tis for some time lerhx. lols. but nyehhs. i really dunno wat to sae larhx. sometimes i like him sometimes i dun. denn one moment i'll be tinkin madly of him da next i cant be bothered. urgh.
19 May 2006
Wat a day.
finished the paper early yeahhs? and so went to Amk Central wif Sharifah.. intended to go to Popular to buy some stuff & head back home but nyehhs, the shop was still closed. lols. so we wenta Banquet instead. oh, did i mention tt i woke up todae wif a sore throat? its still hurting now. =(
and yeahhs. was in the bus wen i called my mum to ask her to come dwn to da paint shop. i mean, i wanted to like strengthen or bond or wateva shit. i mean, dude, im ur daughter, show me some enthusiasm will ya? i'm abt to haf my OWN ROOM afta 15 years!! but NO. she said why are u in a rush?! wait later until ur sista come home... and dude, ystd i did juz tt, waited for my sis but wen we went to da shop, it was friggin CLOSED.
got pissed by tt. selfish & silly as it sounds, but nyehhs. why cant she juz pop by? entertain me? BE a mother. darn it. so yeahhs. locked myself in da rm straight. didnt even bathe! darn i stank! lols. but yeahhs. set out to do some lil stuff for my room. turned out pretty well yeahhs? am gonna go print out more pics next week! lols. so yeahhs.
came out hours later to find my parents going out. dude, i'm part of da family! HELL-LO! urgh. nvrm. cleaned da rm and all. denn bathed. [atlast! lols. i smell of Green Apple!] wee! anieways, tried on my black gown. SHOOTS. ive grown obnoxiously fatTER. argh! but anieways, i got da curves still. wakrakakka. to quote DEAREST Juliao, "Your nose bleed looking at my curves ar?" or some sort like tt. lols.
and denn sis called to tell me to wait for her at da paint shop. i was juz gettin into tis one reality show. urghh. so went dwn. had to wait for like 10 minutes before i saw them all. oh, my dad wenta get his teeth pulled. [and he's now an angry man cos his gums are hurting as hell!]. ouchie. poor Daddy but nyehhs. gettin his dentures soon yeahhs? i'll be waiting to take ur first pearly white smile Daddy! =*D
and yeahhs. bought my paint & other essentials. lols. anieone wanna help poor me?! lols. denn bought my bed at da same time. haizz.. SERIOUSLY, why cant those designers design NICER single beds?! urgh. i feel like some bachelor living off his landlord's bed. Yuck. disgusting. but nyehhs. its MY bed. weehee!!
so yeahhs. and now i'm bloggin. throat is still a lil bit sore.. [anyone wanna buy me Strepsils? i like honey & lemon... yum yum yum]. and yeahhs.. i dunno wat ima do laters. mayb clean up my room furter. lols. like wrap them all wif newspapers? hmm yehhs. i'll do juz tt afta... MUCH procrastinating. wee. ciaoz.
18 May 2006
it's so unbelieveble...
denn...went home straight wif Sharifah.. lols. sorta walked wif julia they all. lols. Neo is forever being irritating. as always. but nyehhs. sat dwn and Sharifah asked me a weird qn. "If given the chance, who would you sleep with in this world?". lols. tt set me thinking. i was tinkin of HIM but nyehhs. tink id take those dancer guys. REAL dancers, not m&d. lols. yepps.
anieways... todae while waiting for da time to be up, i looked around da hall and realise sth... i realised tt da teachers sort of sacrifice themselves for us. as in.. well, we should appreciate them for their efforts actually. i mean, seriously. someof those teachers haf got potential in their subjects, like why not be an accountant? so yeahhs. but they took teaching as a profession cos they like it? mayb. lols. i shall give them the benefit of a doubt.
anieways.. listen to the song clearly. "I can't help but break down, and cry.."
oh wells. cant help it can i? not tt i broke dwn & cried but nyehhs. the feeling of being in love is certainly wonderful. well not really love, infatuation prolly. but tink abt it. Infatuations can make u feel like every day is a beautiful & wonderful day, what about love thenn? boi oh boi. i guess tt'll be like every waking moment of urs is a hapiie & wonderful moment.
i've nvr been in love really. mayb strong infatuation. but nyehhs. wat if.. wat if.. tis time i'm in love? lols. i shall not delve too much into tis kinda things yeahhs? i shall juz look forward & all. tomro is da last paper [at last!!]. so i shall TRY to revise my stuff todae/tonite and dream more abt
p.s: Juliao, i'm not telling. lols. =)
17 May 2006
i cant be without you baby
anieways, today's papers suck. and my com is lagging. so i shall blog tomoro.
16 May 2006
i'm in love with you...
anieways.... todae. haizz.. i dunno wats come over me. i.. nvrm. i am sho sho sadd rite now. i dunno why larhx... but i cant stop tinking of HIM. urgh! tis is frustratin. ive told myself time & again ive forgotten abt him but still. haizz...
anieways, todae ive gt tuition. either ima focus more on E maths or
anieways, i shall go now denns.ciaoz. teehee. Nura, You're halfway there already girl! Keep it up yaar?!