wells oh wells. it went on pretty ok i guess. nth TT exciting happened. lols. perhaps mayb 2... number ONE ; Shun wai swam in his swimmin trunks! lols. cute rite? number TWO ; sharifah & i swam TOPLESS! lols. SEXAY!
and yeahhs. NEWSFLASH
tis source is frm Alson Mar Kim Yip ; Daryl & Guan Yi has reportedly been seen holdin hands! lols.
and now.. i'm now so boredd. lols. had a really s2 to s2 talk & yeahhs.. he is so in love! lols. my hun is so so in love yeahhs? lols. he is becomn so poetic! lols. how cute yeahhs?
so rite now i am juz rottin & surprisingly am talkin to my old frens! lols. we are catchin up wif each other in a wae... lols. tomoro i am off to watch The Omen wif Sharifah. prolly we will change our mind to cartoons! lols. we are both scaredy cats larhx.. wat da hell. but nyehhs.. it looks intersting larhx.
tis our Brett goin full swing on Poetry ;
ckn: wat sadness lengthens juliets hours?
me: sadness of nt bein wif her loved one?
ckn: & of who does thy love?
ckn: to tink twice brings abt doubt & to doubt will lead to broken hearts.
me: den i shalt let my heart break to million pieces in the name of LOVE.
ckn: surely if it breaks, it is not in the name of love
*skip forward*
ckn: shud thy feel pain wen in love?
me: it is to make one realise the power of love. how it went through hardships to get through where it is now. to make one cherish love more and treasure it.
ckn: is not failed love turned heartbreak,enough for one to appreciate the meaning of true love in the future?
me: no.nt really. sometimes a heartbreak makes one more wary of Love. mayb even shun Love. its how each other blend as one to attain Love tt makes da journey a sweet experinece.. an experience tt u wont want to end...
ckn: do not confuse love with lust.....for one is pure and one evil....
me: blendin as one means not juz by joinin two bodies into. its also abt bein able to understand each other, cherish each other, care for each other and love each other. without love, there is no lust.. without lust there is no love. neither is pure or evil. its how one Sees it tt determines its nature.
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