09 October 2005

"SPCA to da rescue!!!!"

okies, tis mornin i'm suddenly so bored so i'd decided to like update u peeps on da interestin life i've been leading!

well...there was tis once... Ayin, Nas, Sharifah, Shari, Rainer, Me and three other chinese peeps... we sort of came to waitin for a lil kitten to come dwn form da ermm... second storey platform.. yeahh... tried many ways to get it down but it was such a scaredy cat...

so Rainer called SPCA... and yeahh..we waited and waited... but dey didnt come.. lol so we ended up gettin da help of da ermmm indian construction workers. One of dem said to Rainer dat da "cat up there two daes no makan" lol means never eat. so yeahh.. dey got a ladder to bring it dwn but da supposedly sacredy cat LEAPT down. Great.

in da end we all went home. wasted time rite? but cos its fasting month so its a good deed done. errr yeah.

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