03 October 2005

"sorrow became his soulmate..."

okies tis is like da 3rd time i'm re-writin my stuff... teehee
anieways.. was juz tinkin of vulgarities
wen i remebered da other dae durin Lit class
wen Mdm Kristine Mary Oehlers [=P] didnt come,
da Lit studs all wen to 306 classroom. and we saw tis
"English Dictionary for Advanced Learners"
and we browsed through.

Fcuk off, fcuk around, fcuk you, fcuk up
all thses words had meanings and at da end
it is written. "VERY RUDE!"
LAME sia... and dere are words like
men's room... wat da heck? lol

anieways, i'm off to put my BF to bed now! see ya!!

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