08 August 2005

My Bf!!

todae went school den came home early cos in sch no one to talk to and hang out wif considerin da fact dat Nas and Sharifah went to Korean den cudnt find Ayin and Shari.... so yeahh...

went out wif my mum and bf...hehe..i carried him all da way wif da carrier thingy.... so yeahh.. den saw Yan Hui from far..dunnoe wether he got see me...hmm...den bought two new shirts [again?!] lol! cant complain now dat my mom dun pay attantion to me... *sheepish*

den reached home at about 3pm? cant rmb...den bf was like cryin...mom fed him and stuff while i listened to some of the stuff i dwlded... den mum wanted to go bathe den pray den cook...passed bf to me... i was vry bad..i wanted to focus on playin da com... so i put him in da crib...

afta a while, he kept callin out to anyone and everyone.... lol... i was like... "so cute! but who's gonna carry you??" lol bad rite... den at last i carried him...den i was like scoldin him larhx.... den i put him dwn again.... den he look at me wif dat pitiful face.... my heart broke but i ignored him..... =(

den he cried.... so i cudnt take it anymore so i carried him... den put on some low songs den patted him throughout erm... almost 3 songs.... hehe...den he fell asleep... =) i felt so bad for treatin him da way i did before... he juz looked too cute and pitiful to be scolded..... *sniffles* hehe... so cute larhx my bf =D

den now he's awake again cos my sis bringin him out..haiya.... let da boy sleep for goodness sake!!! hehe... anieways..my cramp now ok lerh.. and my bf ish cryin..... ='( so sadd.... nvrm...my mum takin care of him...so yeahh... i'll write in another entry mayb some time later? see ya!

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