24 October 2005

"wat haf we done to da world...."

well, isaw the Earth Song vid by Michael Jackson. well... it sure sent torrains of thoughts coursing through my mind.

itz really sadd to see da things we're doin to our world. but yeahh... soon we are da ones to regret too. foolish arent we? tho powerful people are taking care of some of da things done to da world and us, dere will still be remnants of it lying around. like how da war will scar not juz da people but also da soldiers. seein their fellow mates die before them.

itz time we humans step aside and view our world through immortal eyes. itz time tt we ponder over our actions and ask ourselves why we do that. itz time for a change. we need compassion and love not aggression and war. we wan mercy not unpardonness. oh boi. it sure is time for us all to change.

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